Presently, all vendor types that participate in the weekly markets are small local businesses that either make or grow what they sell. However, if you are a local business in the area and would like to connect with the people in your community to share information about your products or services in the Farmers Markets than you can get a booth as and be a "Sponsor". The markets is a great way to reach a wide variety of people!
Living Smart not only supports small local farmers, prepared food and artisan vendor businesses every week at the markets, but we have opportunities for other businesses in the area to "sponsor" the market and be in the market and have access to a captive audience of patrons who visit the markets every week.
If you are a business that neither grows what you sell, or makes what you sell, but have a service or product that can help serve the people of your community, you can still participate in the markets as a sponsor. To apply/request a sponsor booth please follow the link below to register.